The causes of hemorrhoid in men and women are quite similar in nature. Though there are factors that can make women more prone to hemorrhoid. One of the major factors is pregnancy. Due to the strain of carrying the baby in the uterus for such a long period and then from the strain of delivering, pregnant women get this more often. As the baby grows in size inside the uterus, the blood vessel that lies under the uterus experiences an increase in the pressure that constricts the blood flow to the lower limbs that leads to their weakening.
To add to that the pregnancy hormone called the progesterone relaxes the walls to allow more space to the growing fetus. Progesterone is also responsible for causing constipation by slowing down you intestinal track. It aggravates the strain you tend to put during hard bowel movements. All this pressure and strain makes the veins in the rectal region to dilate and swell up, resulting in hemorrhoids in women. This even can get worse if the woman stands or sits for long periods of time at a stretch.
During the time of the delivery of the baby, the pressure on the abdomen and on the vein in the rectal areas increases manifold which is quite hard to avoid. There is a certain amount of pushing involved in this procedure of giving birth that puts tremendous pressure and strain on the abdominal walls and veins. All these factors make women more prone to hemorrhoids.
In its early stages, hemorrhoid can be asymptomatic, i.e., it might go unnoticed. Especially internal hemorrhoids cannot be detected until your notice the stains of blood with your stool or on your toilet paper, which may not be accompanied by pain. But if they are not attended soon, may lead to severe consequences. External hemorrhoids are easily noticeable as the symptoms are quite visible or noticeable as the typical symptoms are itching or pain near the rectal or anal regions. It can also become visible a lump or swelling around the anus.
Paying close attention to your diet and your lifestyle can definitely alleviate the problem to a large extent. There are many ways and treatments available to prevent or get rid of hemorrhoids in women. Few of the most important things need be taken care of are:
- Drink lots of water and increase your fluid intake as that will help you get rid of constipation. Eat healthy and fiber-rich diet that will regulate your bowel movements by adding bulk to your stool, making it smoother to pass through the anal cavity, thus reducing the strain the rectal walls.
- Do not delay or control bowels and release it as soon as possible, whenever you feel the urge.
- Avoid spending too much time on the toilet and exerting too much pressure or strain while you defecate.
- Use ice packs or take sitz bath (A bathtub in which your buttocks and hips are immersed as if you were sitting in a chair and you bathe in a sitting position) to soothe pain or inflammation.
- Always keep the affected areas clean using soft, unscented, white toilet tissue. Using moistened tissues can help. You can buy wipes medicated with witch hazel that are made specifically for people with hemorrhoids.
- A recommended remedy for pregnant women is to lie down on your left side, every 4 to 6 hours, for approximately 20 minutes. This routine helps in reducing the pressure on the rectal region.
- Regular light exercises like walking, light jogging are very effective in prevention or cure of hemorrhoids in women as it regulates blood flow through out the body. Avoid heavy exercise like weight lifting and cycling that can make the situation worse though. Try not to sit or stand for long stretches of time. Take small breaks to get some movements.
- There are different types of natural creams and ointments available to soothe from hemorrhoid pain. Apply some cream to the hemorrhoids that reduces inflammation, itching and pain. Herbal products would be a good option and are recommended as they do not have any side effects.
- 2 of the most effective and popular are: H- Miracle & Venepro.
Hope this helps you in getting rid of this painful experience of hemorrhoid and live a healthy, happy life.
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